Finestra Art Space, January, 2009
Finestra Art Space, known for unusual and edgy art, is a small gallery in the Fine Arts Building in Chicago. In the interest of quantifying my work for this installation, as well as exploring new forms, I created an expanded vocabulary of 1,000 of the shapes I use in my art work. Each shape was a unique polygon - no mirror images, no rotated shapes. Each shape was cut simultaneously from 2.75" x 2.85" paper in both black and white, yielding four pieces - a form and a counter-form each in white and black. The total production was 4,000 pieces. All pieces were sequentially numbered and cataloged. During production, gang photos were made daily to document progress and assure no duplicates were created. In the installation, 500 black counter-forms were displayed sequentially on the left side of the gallery wall. An additional 500 white counter-forms were displayed sequentially on the right side of the gallery wall. Due to space limitations, the remaining black and white forms and counter-forms were archived and available for viewing. Viewing the images sequentially revealed my thought process during exploration of each shape, as well as revealing animated changes in form throughout the production. The center area of the installation contained a two-panel cut paper work. Surrounding it were moveable oversized black counter-form shapes. Viewers were encouraged to rearrange those black shapes to explore the variations in form and counter-form themselves. Additional oversized shapes were available to create more design variety. |
gallery view
wall of 1,000 forms - playing with positive and negative form
Dimensional cut paper, Shadow video, yes/no, yin/yang, in/out, good/evil, them/us, love/hate, this/that column.
artist and friends
(L&R) freshly cut counterforms sequentially displayed for reference photo
(L) cutting room central, (R) neat little piles
(L) cut pieces on boards, (R) pieces sorted by form, color and sequence, approx 100 per container
(L) final prep, (R) sequentially boxed pieces ready for display